We are an astute, well regarded and well connected search, selection and assessment specialist focused on the provision of recruitment solutions to the healthcare sector.

Our expertise is focused on Allied Health, Nursing and Physicians across wide specialties and disciplines at all levels. Understanding our clients, their sector and their requirement is vital to us, we place huge emphasis on doing this.

By maintaining a close sector focus approach to health care and life science, we bring substantial benefits to the organisations we work with. We fully understand the business, geographical and people challenges and are able to provide tailor made and most appropriate talent solutions.  

Leadership Talent Search

Our Leadership Talent Search practice is an information, knowledge and research led process. Securing a senior leadership talent requires a unique skill set, knowledge and tenacity are the key components. Consistently finding the right person first time, every time can be challenging. It is a challenge where we excels. Our market knowledge and innovative team means we can respond to the toughest of brief.

Every leadership talent search is unique and our endeavor is fully managed from beginning to end. We follow structured but flexible methodology, which will include,

·      An in-depth client and stakeholder briefing.

·      Development of a tailored and multi- discipline search solution.

·      Assessment of the applicants, 360 degree from the capability to cultural fit.

·      Engagement across all stakeholders throughout the process, to the placement.